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United Futbol Academy




Please note the below applies to the Academy and Select program only. 

As a part of our ongoing partnership with Arsenal Football Development, the Arsenal Pre-Game jersey is part of the Annual Uniform Requirement for all teams.  The jersey will be available in the Lloyds online uniform catalog beginning with Uniform Fitting dates in June.  All UFA players, returning and new, are required to purchase the annual Pre-Game jersey annually.  (Please note: Arsenal changes their pre-game jersey style every year. That is why it is a required uniform item that needs to be purchased by all players annually.)  

U6-U8 Future Academy Players:

Uniform fitting will be held during the Player Evaluations. New players will need to order a uniform kit and will be added to the uniform ordering system.

U9-U19 Academy/Select Players:

Players are required to purchase and wear the UFA uniform package through our approved vendor. 

Players will receive an email from orders@lloydssoccer.com.  (Please be sure to add this in your email contacts so it does not go to spam.) 

This upcoming season will be the second year of a two-year cycle. Players new to UFA in this cycle will have to order the complete uniform package in June. Returning players will have to order the Annual Pregame Arsenal jersey.  Once the player's uniform order has been placed, there will be NO refunds or exchanges.  With that in mind, players are strongly encouraged to attend a scheduled uniform fitting to ensure the correct sizes.

Academy & Select U13 (U9-U13):  South Forsyth Soccer Complex - 800 Kemp Rd, Suwanee, GA 30024

**BOYS & GIRLS** - Academy/Select/ECNL (U9-U13)   Saturday, June 7, 2025

Times: TBD - Times Below May Change
U9 Girls/Boys:    9:00am-10:00am  
U10 Girls/Boys:  10:00am-11:00am
U11 Girls/Boys:  11:00am-12:00pm
U12 Girls/Boys:  1:00pm-2:30pm
U13 Girls/Boys:  12:30pm-2:00pm

Select (U14 and Up): South Forsyth Soccer Complex - 800 Kemp Rd, Suwanee, GA 30024

**BOYS & GIRLS** - Academy/Select/ECNL (U14-U19)   Saturday, June 14, 2025

Times: TBD - Times Below May Change
U14 Girls/Boys:  10:00am-11:00am
U15 Girls/Boys:  11:00am-12:00pm
U16 Girls/Boys:  1:00pm-2:00pm
U17 Girls/Boys:   9:00am-10:00am
U19 Girls/Boys:   9:00am-10:00am

Some uniform items are gender specific, so it is important you attend the appropriate uniform fitting session.  Uniform orders will be placed and paid for (credit card only) online.  Orders will be delivered to your team manager in August.

Please Note: Arrival times will be set by age group and gender.  If you are unable to attend your assigned fitting time, you should make arrangements to get fitted at Lloyds Soccer after June 20th.

At the Uniform Fitting
-We ask that only ONE adult attend the Uniform Fitting with each player. 
-Players should wear clothes that will allow them to try on the uniforms OVER their clothing

The following are REQUIRED uniform items and MUST be purchased (for new players). All players will need to purchase the Annual Pregame Arsenal jersey. The player pass will be withheld until all required items have been purchased. 

  • Home Jersey & Away Jersey
  • Home Shorts & Away Shorts 
  • Practice Shirt & Practice Shorts
  • Pre-game Shirt (must purchase annually)
  • Home Socks & Away Socks
  • Backpack (Must be a UFA backpack, not just Adidas) 
  • Warm-up Jacket and Pants are required for many teams. Please refer the fee chart on the UFA Tryouts page.

Practice Uniform:

Official UFA Practice Shirt and Shorts, Black Socks (Adidas or no name), shin guards, cleats.

Cold Gear/Undergarments:

Any undergarments must be the same color as the dominant color of the outer garment. All undergarments (slides pants, undershirts, etc.) which extend visibly beyond the required uniform must be as close as possible in color to the main color of the uniform part under which they are worn. For example, gray long-sleeve shirts must be worn under gray jerseys, and black under black. Pants/slides/tights must also match the dominant color of the shorts, black under black shorts, black under black. Shin guard straps/tape must also match the dominant color of the socks.

Additional Required Items:

Goal Keepers:  If the player is a goal keeper only, never a field player, they do not have to order the field jerseys.  However, they must order a UFA goal keeper kit.

Jersey Numbers: 

All jersey numbers MUST be approved by the Uniform Coordinator.  If you order a uniform and your number has not been approved and properly recorded, you run the risk of having to replace the uniform at your own expense.

Players will have the opportunity to choose from available jersey numbers for their team via email in advance of the designated Uniform Fitting. Players unable to attend their designated fitting date will be able to go to the Lloyd's Soccer store in Johns Creek after June 21st to try on the various sizes prior to placing their order.  After the uniform fitting dates, the uniform coordinator will email all players still needing to select a jersey number to request their choice from the remaining available numbers.  Responses will be processed based upon first response. (Please do NOT contact the Uniform Coordinator about numbers.  No exceptions will be made.)

Once the player's uniform order has been placed, there will be NO refunds or exchanges

Used Uniforms:

For off years, used uniforms may available at a 50% discount. Please click here for a list of those available. Please contact us at uniforms@UnitedFA.org for further information.

For any additional uniform related questions, please contact the Uniform Coordinator at uniforms@UnitedFA.org.

COPYRIGHT 2025 © United Futbol Academy